Whether you are buying, selling, or simply looking to protect your home, a termite inspection will provide you with peace of mind. Therefore, a termite inspection should be undertaken:
Termite Inspection
Termite Inspection
We’re a specialist Termite and Timber Pest Inspection company. We specialise in Pre Purchase Termite and Timber Pest Inspections and assist people who suspect they may have termite activity.
Combining the expertise of a Builder with qualified and experienced Pest Controllers, we offer a unique termite inspection service that positions us to advise you on the best termite treatment and prevention.

When should you have a termite inspection
- Before you buy any home
- Before you sell your home
- When you suspect termite activity
- Annually to ensure no new termite activity
- As often as needed to maintain a warranty for any termite barrier installed
What to do when you suspect termite activity
If you suspect any signs of a termite infestation, it’s essential that you seek a termite inspection from a professional pest control business. It’s important not to disturb any activity or damage you may find as this can make it more difficult to treat or manage. The termite inspection is usually good value for money and will ensure there aren’t other complications such as wood rot, borer and other timber pest activity.
If a termite infestation has occurred, eradication of the existing termite colony is the first step, followed by a termite treatment to establish a barrier. If the barrier is properly maintained, it will prevent the recurrence of termite activity.
What is included in a termite inspection?
Our termite inspections include an investigation of the site, which includes, trees, fences, outbuildings and landscaping timbers, building exterior, subfloor if applicable, interior and in the roof space. We supplement the termite inspections with sounding (to detect hollow areas of timber) and the use of moisture metres, thermal imaging and Termtrac movement detection. All inspections will identify conditions conducive to termite activity, the presence of fungal decay (wood rot) and identify any other timber pest damage.
It’s important to note that termite damage is a general exclusion in most home warranties. So if you find termite damage your insurer may not cover the cost of treatment and repairs. Therefore, it’s imperative to be on the front foot when it comes to termite inspections.
How long does a termite inspection take?
An inspection generally takes between 1-2 hours to complete and includes a comprehensive report. Our team uses BuildInspect; an advanced reporting application which pairs our findings with detailed photographs from the inspection site. Consequently, you’re assured of an easy to understood report that will be readily available.